JAMA is an international peer-reviewed general medical journal published weekly online and in print, and a member of the @JAMANetwork family of journals.
Noninvasive Ventilation in #COVID19 Management Q&A with Domenico L. Grieco, MD of Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS in Rome, Jesse B. Hall, MD of @UChicagoMed, & @laveenamunshi of @SinaiHealth and @UHN
A Conversation About #Racism and #StructuralRacism in Medicine & Health Care featuring @LisaCooperMD of @JohnsHopkinsSPH David R. Williams of @HarvardChanSPH @NMHheartdoc of @NUFeinbergMed
Coronavirus trends, variants, vaccines, treatment, more. @umichmedicine's @PreetiNMalani & @emoryhealthcare's @CarlosdelRio7 return to JAMA's Q&A series to discuss the latest in #COVID19 medicine & public health
Live Q&A: John Moore of @WeillCornell joins JAMA's Q&A series to discuss ways to maximize vaccine efficacy & allocation given the rise of #coronavirus variants and authorization of a @JNJNews vaccine.
Live Q&A: @DrNancyM_CDC leads @CDCgov's #COVID19 vaccine efforts. She joins JAMA's Q&A series to discuss emerging #coronavirus variants, the @JNJNews vaccine, and more. #JAMALive
Live Q&A: @CDCDirector @RWalensky returns to JAMA's Q&A series to discuss the CDC's response to emerging #coronavirus variants, vaccines, reopening schools, and other activities re: pandemic control.
#JAMALive Q&A: @ChildrensPhila's @DrPaulOffit provides an update on #COVID19 variants w implications for vaccine development, including the @JNJNews vaccine scheduled for an FDA VBAERS hearing 2/26.
Live Q&A: Denise Jamieson (@emoryhealthcare) & Catherine Spong (@UTSWNews) join JAMA's Q&A series to discuss the safety of #COVID vaccination in pregnant & nursing moms, & women trying to get pregnant
Live Q&A: @umichmedicine's @LauringLab's Adam Lauring, a molecular virologist who studies viral transmission & pathogenesis, joins JAMA's Q&A series to explain #SARSCoV2 variants and what they mean.
Live Q&A: Anthony Fauci returns to JAMA's Q&A series to discuss emerging #SARSCoV2 genetic variants w implications for vaccine efficacy, prospects for new #COVID19 vaccine approvals, + more! #JAMALive
Live Q&A: @LSHTM Director Peter Piot, a legend in global health, joins JAMA's Q&A series to discuss the global public health response to #COVID19 past, present, and future.
Health Care Reform in the Biden Era: @JoeBiden proposes expanding Medicare eligibility + a public option. @KFF's @larry_levitt, @WUSTLmed's @kejoynt, and @LawrenceGostin discuss prospects for reform.

Noninvasive Ventilation in #COVID19 Management Q&A with Domenico L. Grieco, MD of Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS in Rome, Jesse B. Hall, MD of @UChicagoMed, & @laveenamunshi of @SinaiHealth and @UHN